The Power of Face-to-Face Networking

If you’re like most busy professionals, the idea of taking 2 or 3 days out of the office to attend an event is something you know you need to do, but struggle to prioritize.
There are two questions that are asked again and again – Is it worth the time? Is it worth the money? We get it, you have to make choices for your personal and professional well-being that have a definite ROI. Time & money are both limited resources.
I’ll answer the easier question first,

Is attending events worth the money?

Yes, 100 X Yes! Whether you are attending an event as a vendor, buyer, speaker, or just there to learn – events are an investment in your growth and that doesn’t have a price on it…. BUT if you want me to put a price on it:

According to research posted by Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group, “For every dollar companies invest in business travel, they receive a value of $12.50. It would take three years to recover lost profits.”

That’s a powerful statistic. Are you really going to leave three years of potential revenue on the table because you don’t want to purchase a plane ticket, invest in a booth, or buy a conference pass?

As important as attracting new customers or finding preferable vendor partners is, we know that retaining those relationships is just as critical. HubSpot reveals that, “95% [of study respondents] say face-to-face meetings are essential for long-term business relationships.”

We all know that you have to get yourself in front of potential partners and customers to forge the strongest and most beneficial relationships. Often, we forget about what happens when we don’t make the investment or spend the time to attend leading industry events…. our competitors attend and steal our hottest prospects!

So, is it worth the time?

Yes, 100 X Yes! “Good conferences have opportunities for attendees to mix & mingle, form new relationships, & strengthen relationships. Of, if you don’t go, your toughest competitor will be sitting in your seat,” says Rich Brooks at TakeFlyte

To move forward, it is essential to take a step back. We’ve all heard the adage of two Lumberjacks intent on cutting down a tree. One heads out and starts chopping away first thing in the morning while the other takes stock of the situation, takes time to sharpen his axe, and embarks on the task with a fresh blade. Clearly, the second Lumberjack is more productive in accomplishing his goal of chopping down the tree with a freshly sharpened axe.

If you want to be at your best, it is essential to take time away from your office, your team, and your endless stream of emails to soak up new ideas, meet new people, and refresh your mind.

Now we agree that there is no substitute for quality, face-to-face networking. 
With all of the events out there, why attend a Carpathia Bucket-List Networking Summit?

Visit to Learn More!
The Carpathia Summits’ business model is designed with an emphasis on genuine networking allowing you to create meaningful connections. Each Summit includes ample time to create bonds over meals, cocktail receptions, evening entertainment, and adventure networking excursions. As Rich Stromback shares with the Harvard Business Review, “Nobody wants to have a networking conversation, especially those at the highest levels of business & politics. They are hungry for real conversations & real relationships. It has to be authentic, genuine and secure.”

Are you ready to revolutionize the way you network? Visit to see what #BucketListNetworking is happening in your industry.

Don’t see a Summit in your Industry? We’d love to connect with you and hear your feedback! You can find us on Twitter @TeamCarpathia and on LinkedIn. You can also reach out to VP of Business Development, Leslie Venetz, at

For more articles like this one on the Power of Face-to-Face Networking, connect with Leslie Venetz at or click HERE to request more information!


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