
Showing posts from March, 2016

Impact Statements: Open the Dialogue with Excitement

I recently heard that the attention span of an average adult is 8 seconds. STOP right now and time the first 8 seconds on your sales conversation. Would that keep you on the phone? Multiple studies show that we have between 15-30 seconds to make an impact over the phone. In those initial 30 seconds we need to say something, anything to capture the attention and emotion of the person on the other side of the line. Here is my challenge for today - take a look at your "pitch" and make at least one change to increase the impact of the first sentences . Here are a few tips: 1. Don't waste time in the first 30 seconds of your pitch talking about the weather, a sports team, or other information that does not make IMPACT. That doesn't mean you can't touch on those topics later, but not during the first 30 seconds. 2. Don't talk excessively about yourself and what you want. The person you are talking to does not care about you and what you want. That may sou...

The Job of a Professional Interrupter

I am still soaking up all of the gems of advice from the Sales Acceleration Summit I attended last week. One saying has really been present in my mind: " Accept your role as a professional interrupter."  How many of you have truly acknowledge that the job of an Inside Sales Professional is the job of an Interrupter. Sure you know it in the back of your mind, but have you really embraced it? The Sales Professionals that I interact with who are most successful at what they do have fully embraced their role as a professional interrupter. If you believe deeply in the value that you can add to a person's day, life, job, etc with your product then interrupting suddenly doesn't seem like as big of an intrusion. Yes you are interrupting, but you also have a meaningful reason for the call. This got me thinking about all of the "false" objections or brush offs that Inside Sales Professional get at the beginning of phone calls before we've had a chance to depa...

Top 12 Take Aways from Sales Acceleration Summit hosted by

I had the privilege of attending the FREE and extremely beneficial Sales Acceleration Summit hosted by yesterday #SalesSummit I sat through 5 hours of hand-picked webinars, took 16 pages of notes, and would like to share my top 12 take-aways with you. Please connect with me on LinkedIn if you have additional questions at ! Empathy creates and emotional connections which elevates the sales conversation. Build emotional intelligence.  80% of B2B (business-to-business) purchases are unplanned AND unbudgeted. Don’t fall for that false objection 80% of people who spend 1MM+ in their first year in a new job, choose to do so in the 1 st 90 days. An average Executive receives 1200 unsolicited calls a year. What are you going to do differently then 1999 other people? You have a 900% increased chance of closing a deal if you follow-up within 60 minutes of the init...

Recognized as Top B2B Sales Professional on LinkedIn

I am so honored to have been recently recognized as one of the Top 53 B2B Sales Professionals that you should follow on LinkedIn. I wanted to take this opportunity to share a few of my LinkedIn Strategies and also invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn. Keep reading for my Top 3 LinkedIn tips that you can implement in under and hour to improve the quality of your profile immediately. Find me at Top 3 LinkedIn Strategies You Can Implement in 1 Hour 1. Make your profile robust. It is extremely easy to determine if you have added enough information to your because  LinkedIn  tells you how complete it is. In accordance with keeping these strategies under and hour make sure that you have:  * A professional photo. It doesn't not have to be professionally taken, but make sure that you are the only one in the picture, that you look presentable, and that nothing distracting is also happening in the frame. * Add a work history...