Impact Statements: Open the Dialogue with Excitement
I recently heard that the attention span of an average adult is 8 seconds. STOP right now and time the first 8 seconds on your sales conversation. Would that keep you on the phone? Multiple studies show that we have between 15-30 seconds to make an impact over the phone. In those initial 30 seconds we need to say something, anything to capture the attention and emotion of the person on the other side of the line. Here is my challenge for today - take a look at your "pitch" and make at least one change to increase the impact of the first sentences . Here are a few tips: 1. Don't waste time in the first 30 seconds of your pitch talking about the weather, a sports team, or other information that does not make IMPACT. That doesn't mean you can't touch on those topics later, but not during the first 30 seconds. 2. Don't talk excessively about yourself and what you want. The person you are talking to does not care about you and what you want. That may sou...