As a Hiring Manager with a decade + experience, I know that it is difficult to find talented employes. I know that it is even more difficult to onboard and retain them. Of course, the financial aspect is important, especially for a sales professional like myself, but money is not an end all be all. In reflecting on what makes me feel most satisfied in my job and most loyal to my employer, I came up with 3 things that I am grateful for today....and no, I am not working from the beach, but I am working in a truly spectacular city - #Chicago 1. Having an employer who trusts me. Yesterday I negotiated terms with a prospect (now client) that were a "break-even" for the company, but I believe that this person & company will make for a fantastic long-term partnership that will ultimately be financially beneficial. Without blinking an eye, my President gave me the go ahead to sign the deal. 2. Having the flexibility to set my own (reasonable) hours and to not feel guilt...
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