Volunteering is Selfish--But That's Okay

Since childhood, I’ve been attracted to the idea of giving back, making a difference, being the change you want to see in the world...you get the picture. As a professional, it’s been increasingly important for me to align myself with professional organizations that prioritize giving back as part of their corporate mission. As I’ve interviewed with and ultimately joined new companies, I’ve been surprised by how few companies incorporate charity & especially volunteerism. Many organizations have a charity component where they donate to X, Y, Z and get a tax break, but giving time and giving money leave most people with a different emotional outcome. In 2016, I was with British Branding Agency PHMG/. Each year they do a massive holiday toy drive. It’s an absolutely wonderful way to give back to the communities in which we work. For the past six years, I’ve always prided myself on taking the time to buy loads of individual toys and donate them to Toys for Tots. At PHMG/ most em...