
Showing posts from April, 2018

Sales Metrics That Matter Most

Hello readers! Please have a listen to this Sales DNA Podcast on The Sales Metrics That Matter Most. Josh Braun and I talk about how to determine which metrics will drive your organization forward, how to train and coach around them and what steps you can take to use sales metrics to better achieve your revenue goals! LISTEN HERE:     https://insideselling.

3 Startup Tech Tools I Can't Live Without

As the Vice President of Business Development for an early-stage Startup I am constantly looking for tools that can save me time.  As Carpathia Marketing's first employee, I have to keep a lot of balls in the air. Below are the top 3 technology tools that I cannot live without.  Crowdfire   I understand the importance of having a presence on social media but I simply do not have the time to dedicate more than a few hours a week to managing these accounts. Crowdfire to the rescue. At Carpathia, we focus our social channels on Twitter and LinkedIn and we've been using Crowdfire for over a year. Now that we’ve customized our Crowdfire by adding keywords, similar accounts and preferences, we can easily post compelling content across both platforms.  Crowdfire allows us to easily find news articles, other user's posts, and great images to share with our network. Additionally, Crowdfire suggests new people for our accoun...

3 Tips to an Effective Sales Presentation

Improve Your Next Sales Presentation in Three Easy Steps Be Interactive.  While it’s important to be in control of the room during a sales presentation, make sure that you are speaking with your prospects – not at them. Use your sales presentation to ask questions and gather feedback. This style of dynamic presentation ensures that you won’t miss important buying signals. HubSpot suggests you ditch the memorization when it comes to delivering a great sales presentation.  “Of course, you’ll want to be familiar with your presentation before you deliver it, but memorizing it word-for-word can add extra stress on you, potentially taking away from the value of your presentation.” According to,  “Some people wrongly believe that sales presentations should be like keynote speeches--entertaining but without much meat. Other people believe that sales presentations should be like lectures--informative and instructive. Both groups are wrong. The purpose of a sales pre...