What Getting Married Taught me About Event Planning
What Getting Married Taught me About Event Planning. Find me on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/leslievenetz If you know me, you know that event planning…well planning in general is in my DNA. I started orchestrating events when I was a kid. I still remember the first significant event I pioneered & planned; a 3-generation dance at my high school. It was a pretty good gig for me. My grandpa was my date and other generation – the parents - were responsible for preparing & serving the dinner! My experience with events has grown significantly since that first dance. Over the past 20 years, I’ve led or been on the planning committee for everything from corporate events, to non-profit fundraisers, to social programs. Each event I’ve been a part of hosting is unique in both its intent & outcome. Nothing prepared me for planning my own wedding. Now if you are one of the lucky few who decided to hire a professional event planner, I can only imagine how nice that must have be...