Time Management & Prioritization

Time Management & Prioritization -- I will keep this post brief in an effort to manage my time during my very busy event season.When I realized it had been a few weeks since my last post, I started thinking about priorities and time management. Here are the basic rules I follow when determining what my priorities are and what portion of my time I should allocate to them. Tasks are blocked into one of four quadrants. I am certain you can youtube this method of prioritization and find even more information on it. Today, I will talk about how I apply it to a busy sales environment to ensure I stay focused on closing business. The four quadrants ranked in terms of prioritization are: Urgent & Important Important but Not Urgent Urgent but Not Always Important Neither Urgent or Important So you may have guess that the majority of your time should be allocated to the categories of Urgent & Important and Important but Not Urgent. We all know that urgent emails o...